Monday, June 06, 2005

If they always do what they've always done...

There is an old adage that say "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got!" When other people slavishly follow "the norm," I have found you can use this inertia to your own benefit.

**For example:** Have you noticed how advertising in the classified columns of newspapers almost always look the same in every paper throughout the world? I have found a way you can use this to your advantage. Let me explain.

**Question.** What do people usually do when they are looking through the classifieds columns? **Answer.** When they find what they are looking for, or find something interesting, they "circle" the ad. This makes it stand out and makes it easier to find again.

So I thought why not "circle" your ad before giving it to the advertising department of the newspaper?

Recently we advertised for a Contract Caterer to take over the food operation of our hotel in Newtown, Sydney. Below you will see how we used the **circle ad** idea. Note how your eyes immediately go to the 'circled' ad. Hence, it is like buying the full page for only a fraction of the price.

"Stand out" from the herd with a circle ad